Welcome to Equity in Civics!

Welcome to Equity in Civics! The website is designed to be a virtual front door for educators, students, parents, and other community members interested in creating a K-12 civics education experience that is relevant, inclusive, and representative of all students. As you navigate the website, our hope is that you can easily identify ready-to-use resources that can support your equity journey in civics education.

For some, that might mean watching a fireside chat on bridging differing viewpoints to establish lasting support for culturally relevant democracy education. For other first-time visitors to the website, it could mean identifying in-depth resources--like a research paper or a how-to guide on discussing equity with supportive and skeptical audiences. For long-time champions of equitable civics education, we hope that the website presents an opportunity to discover what’s happening in the field at the national, state, and local level, including school board, district, and classroom-level viewpoints.

Cultivating civic learning experiences that foster student voice and agency; create an open, participatory school culture, use asset-based framing; and utilize curriculum and instructional models that speak to the lived experiences and histories of diverse communities, students, and caregivers is the heart and soul of creating equity in civics. It is not partisan work, but rather purposeful, inclusive work that invites all of us to contribute our passion, skill, and willingness to collaborate towards restoring commitment to creating informed civic actors as the public mission of public schools. In undertaking this common task, we are not only strengthening culturally relevant democracy education, but also identifying the inherent link between what happens in civics classrooms and what happens in our communities at the local, state, and national level.


Reflections on the expulsions in Tennessee